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Our DDD Services

  • Direct Support Professionals are professionals that work directly with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Our Direct Support Professionals are trusted, experienced professionals  that provide the supports and create the environment needed to assist individuals in realizing their full potential and integrating into their community
    Our DSP enable our members to do things independently and confidently

    1. They are experienced caregivers 

    2. Have a strong desire to help others reach their goals 

    3. Compassionate

    4. Attentive 

    5. Patient 

    1. Delivering person centered supports

    2. Encouraging community inclusion

    3. Advocating for People with Disabilities 

    4. Promote independence in daily activity 

    5. Implement and follow ISP

    6. Maintain a positive and caring living and working environment 

    7. Communicate effectively and respectfully

Man on wheelchair

Providing Excellent Care for Exceptional People

Our mission is to deliver exceptional service that enrich the lives of our members, allowing them to tap into their fullest potential. We work with individuals and families to understand the unique needs of your loved one while ensuring a healthy and safe environment that allows them to reach their goals. 

Icon to show Community Support
Community Based Support

Community-based support offers personalized help and resources for individuals with developmental disabilities right in their local community. It focuses on creating an inclusive environment and fostering connections that enables individuals to live independently and fully participate in community life. 

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Individual Support

The individual support program provides person-centered services and support to individuals with developmental disabilities. This support involves working closely with individuals to identify their specific strength, challenges, and aspirations. This helps empower people to achieve greater independence, improve their quality of life and fully participate in their community.

Indivdual support
Respite Care

Respite care offers temporary relief for primary caregivers by providing short-term, specialized care for individuals with developmental disabilities. Respite care is designed to offer a supportive and enriching environment, ensuring that individuals continue to receive quality care while their caregivers recharge. 

Icon two people seating
Behavioral Support

Behavioral support focuses on understanding and addressing the unique behavioral needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. It involved identifying and understanding specific behavioral challenges and providing strategies to address them effectively. Behavioral support helps individuals build essential life skills and achieve a higher quality of life.

We Provide Support With

Person Centered Support

Person centered support focused on tailoring services to an individual unique strength, needs, and goals. We Empower people with developmental disabilities to achieve greater independence, improve their quality of life, and fully engage in their communities.

Advocating for People With Disabilities

We advocate for individuals with disabilities by promoting their right, ensuring equal opportunities, and supporting their inclusion to make choices, access resources, and fully participate in all aspect of life.

Effective Communication

We support effective communication by helping individuals with disabilities express their needs, preferences and goals. Through personalized strategies, we ensure they can connect with others, advocate for themselves, and participate fully in their communities. 

Promote Independence 

Promoting independent is a key asset to success here at WellCare. We focus on providing skill-building support and practical assistant to help clients gain greater independent in their daily lives, while ensuring they feel respected and in control.

Encourage Inclusion 

At WellCare Nurses & Staffing we want to always ensure our clients feel included, respected, and engaged. We aim to create a space where our clients feel valued by respecting their identities. Preferences and autonomy while providing exceptional care.

Guy helping a person

Our Direct Support Professionals

Our direct support professionals are trusted experienced professionals that provide the support and create the environment needed to assist individuals in realizing their full potential and integrating into their community.

Our DSP enable our members to do things independently and confidently

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